Waldner DOSOMAT Sterilization Technologies
“What kind of sterilization do I need for my packaging plant?” This question is answered by the experts of Hermann WALDNER who provide customized solutions for respective specifications.
In the food industry, it is important to consider that sterilization isn’t a “one size fits all” type of formula. Only few products are packed in a completely sterilized manner. Karl Angele, Managing Director of Hermann WALDNER states: “It does not make sense to use a sledge-hammer to crack a nut”. Certain product sensitive foods like food for babies, UHT (ultra high temperature pasteurization), require the utmost sterilization. However, most of the foods filled in these industries do not need to pass strict requirements. It is important to understand that although they do not have to be aseptic, they must be “commercially sterile”. The requirements determining what may be considered as “commercially sterile” can be quite versatile. Conditions vary greatly, ranging from mineral water and sausages to yogurt and desserts. “Our customers want a type of sterilization that is suitable for their product and packaging. These two points not only determine the selection for the most appropriate sterilization system, but also the hygiene level of the machine,” as Karl Angele proclaims.
LOG-RATE VDMA-Classification
The classification of sterilization plays a huge role in establishing two terms, “Log-rate” and “VDMA class”. The log-rate defines in a logarithm how many germs exist in a container or on a surface after the sterilization process. For example, Log-rate 3 means that there are -3*10 less germs in proportion to the initial amount of germs; whereas the VDMA-class describes the overall concept of the machine. Machines of VDMA class V are completely aseptic which means that the shelf-life of the products is more than 3 months without cooling. For VDMA classes lll and lV, the shelf-life of the cooled products can range anywhere from 3 weeks to 4 months. Most of the products on the market belong to these classes. Karl Angele, Managing Director, Shareholder and Sales Manager states, “If the product requirements are part of VDMA classes lll or lV, there is much more leeway to assemble the machines. We like to take full advantage of this and pull out all the stops for our special machine construction, since after all, “the customer’s benefit is the top priority.”
An 8 lane inline machine with a pure air tunnel to fill set or stirred yogurt, or curd cheese preparations. The cups are sealed with an aluminum plate. A snap-on lid may be added. The cup is sterilized by means of “pulsed light”, whereas the aluminum plate is sterilized by a UVC radiation unit with a star-type reel stand.
Contact. waldner@wnapt.com, www.wnapt.com, 1 (316) 477-1067.